When he reached his twenties, he studied the arts at the National Art Training school in London. Throughout his teens, Chambers took steps to tell others about the gospel but didn’t necessarily feel called to full-time ministry. At age 15, Oswald decided to follow Christ after hearing Charles Spurgeon preach a sermon, and he asked Jesus into his heart. Oswald Chambers was born into a Christian home on July 24, 1874, the youngest son to a Baptist minister in Aberdeen, Scotland. No man is perfect, but Chambers certainly lived a life painted with the image of God. Backed by his personal experience, Chambers knew firsthand the power and calling to live relentlessly for Christ. Writer, evangelist, and teacher Oswald Chambers wrote My Utmost for His Highest. Every year, it leads more and more hearts to hunger for a life in full honor and attention to God. Never going out of print since it first hit shelves, My Utmost for His Highest gives the words of a man humbly living out his life full out for Christ. The devotional My Utmost for His Highest is like a timeless hymn, still speaking to people generations later. Though the hymns I’ve connected with were published longer ago than my familiarity, it was rooted in a consistent power: God, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrew 13:8). I’ve shed tears, singing hymns that seemed uniquely composed for current events in my life. Still, it somehow captivated your heart today as you followed each word. Has a hymn ever resonated with your heart and mind? The hymn may have been written many years ago, even before the birth of your great-grandparents.